
image Testimonials

What Our Clients are Saying?

SpayU is one of the largest Rural Fintech Companies in India & we have brought a transformative impact on digital, financial, and e-retail services across the rural and semi-urban regions.

I have been using SpayU Merchant ID from last 2 years. I use mostly all the services like AEPS, DMT , Mobile recharge etc. Me & my customers are very happy with the quality of these services and the customer support that SpayU provide.


Rajesh Nagar

SpayU Merchant

I can’t tell you what a big difference SpayU has made to our business because it has streamlined the process so much. The interface is very easy for even those who are not very comfortable on the internet.


Vinay Kumar

CEO at Screen Pay

For over a year, we tested Quirksmith through flea markets and we relied completely on SpayU Services for payments and product listings. I often read the blogs they send across and find them very helpful in business.



CEO at Digital AePs

SpayU is the first company through which we took our recycled footwear online. We can just share a link or even ask for a particular amount from customers and donors. It is a very transparent process and is helping us a lot.


Navneet Kumar

CEO at Bank Wallets